The wealthy Dr. William Barton organizes an expedition to the Florida Everglades with the scientists Dr. Thomas Morgan, Dr. Borg and Dr. Johnson to capture the Creature.
The trilogy comes to an end with this feature, the third film in three years.
Going into this film I wasn’t sure as to what to think about it, I decided that I’d try and view it with an open mind, which is easier said than one. My first thought was that it couldn’t be any worse than the second film, well hopefully.
Depending on who you talk to about this film it’s either a completely underrated classic or a complete piece of rubbish, personally I lay somewhere in the middle. I will say that it’s the logical way the series could go and it was also a brave move by the studio.
As much as I love ‘Gill man’ it was disheartening seeing him change , it was just so hard seeing a beloved character evolve before my eyes on screen but I suppose that was the point really and in that sense it worked very well.
In a sense the series tried to reinvent itself and again depending on who you asked it either worked very well or it was a complete travesty, like I said it was the logical move and I think it was handled very well, especially considering the budgetary restraints.
“The Creature Walks Among Us” greatest scene is the ambiguous ending, a fitting end to the trilogy.
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
Sequel to Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) and Revenge of the Creature (1955), and the only one of the three not made in 3-D.