On one last road trip before they’re sent to serve in Vietnam, two brothers and their girlfriends get into an accident that calls their local sheriff to the scene. Thus begins a terrifying experience where the teens are taken to a secluded house of horrors, where a young, would-be killer is being nurtured.
Here’s same two words from yesterday, Michael Bay! You all know the drill here, if You’re a Michael Bay fan then you may want to stop reading here before being offended. We all know he loves his prequels and so it was no when this film was announced.
One thing that always irritates me about Bay’s films is his one dimensional characters, you never get a feeling towards any of them so when/if they die you don’t really bother or wonder how it’ll affect the other characters or the films plot. Everyone is just so disposable, he could’ve killed Leatherface and no-one would bat an eyelid because of how one dimensional he is in the film. Hell, even drag queen Leatherface at-least had some personality.
This film is gore for gore’s sake. It’s like watching an adult version Of Tom & Jerry, you’re just waiting for Tom to slip up whilst Jerry is hiding and making traps etc, that’s how low Bay sinks. you could watch all his Horror remakes back to back and realise how one dimensional they are and how they’re all the same, don’t believe me? Then give it a try!
This film makes me laugh because of how Bay thinks of how stupid Horror fans are, the cast is essentially the same, two girls (one brunette and one blonde) and two boys (one brunette and one blonde) are substituted for the “original” two girls and two boys with the same hair color and the same general appearance. Insert a couple of crazy bikers, some far out “facts” about how Hoyt became Sheriff, How Leatherface was born and raised (Born in the slaughterhouse as his mum was dying?! REALLY?!), and so on, what you have is the original remake! Problem is people actually fell for it and continue to do so to this day, that’s why he’s still in the film industry. I’ve always thought of him as a high budget Uwe Boll, at-least Boll admits his films are campy.
Now is it just me or is Leatherface bigger in this film? The guy is HUGE! I mean the ground shakes when he walks, he also has the strength of a superhuman, e.g. when he lifts one guy up off the ground, impaled on a chainsaw. Leatherface was never that strong, yes he had some strength but nothing like that. The big slap in the face of the film is it’s ending, if you haven’t seen it then I wont ruin it but don’t get your hopes up for it, trust me!
Once again not even the great R. Lee Ermey could save this film, such a shame that a great actor wound up in Bays films. If I was you I’d skip this film, you’re aren’t missing anything at all, if like me you like a bit of mystery left in your main villain then definitely skip it!
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
New Line had to pay $3 million more than it expected to in order to keep the series in the studio fold after Dimension Films made a pricey deal with original rights holders Tobe Hooper, Kim Henkel and Robert Kuhn.
According to producer Brad Fuller, the film was given an NC-17 by the MPAA, and a total of 17 scenes had to be edited in order to get an R rating.
During filming, R. Lee Ermey was called away to his mother’s death bed. For the remainder of the time, filming was done around his character.
Zachary Knighton was strongly considered for the role of Eric.
Taylor Handley impressed the director and producers so much when auditioning for the film, that they cast him immediately after the audition.
Producers Andrew Form and Bradley Fuller decided not to make a sequel to the 2003 movie. But the fans kept coming to them, asking how the family got that way and wanting to know several unanswered questions in the 2003 version (some of them include how Monty lost both of his legs, to how Sheriff Hoyt lost his front teeth, and how Leatherface got his nickname). And after a meeting with Michael Bay, they let Sheldon Turner write the script for a prequel and they were prepared to make it.
First movie to receive Iceland’s 18 rating.
Bay didn't write the script, how can you contribute most of the blame to the producer. He was just the fucking producer.