Searching for a missing student, two private investigators break into his house and find collection of VHS tapes. Viewing the horrific contents of each cassette, they realize there may be dark motives behind the student’s disappearance.
With “V/H/S” being a break through hit we all waited on news of the inevitable sequel, we didn’t have to wait long.
Just a few weeks after it’s predecessor was released this sequel was rushed into production and just a few sort months later it premiered at the Sundance film festival, fans certainly didn’t need to wait long as not to long after the feature got it’s general public release.
You maybe wondering why I’m giving you this information, well with the film being hurried into production I personally think it suffers a little. You can tell there wasn’t as much thought put into this film as there was in the first one, it just feels rushed.
Whilst the feature is entertaining, the segments are fun to watch and again an eclectic mix, it lacks the flow of the first feature and thus loses some of its charm and atmosphere. It’s a shame really as it is a good film, there’s just something off, something missing.
Maybe its because this sequel had a higher budget to play with that it lost some o that indie charm to it, maybe its because our expectations were higher this time around, it’s hard to pinpoint an answer. Like I said it is a good film, there’s just something lacking
I do recommend you watch it as it is a fun flick, some even prefer it to the first film, but for me I have to say it’s a downgrade from the first film.
Miscellaneous facts about the film:
Was originally titled “S-VHS.”
When Larry and Ayesha break into the dorm of Kyle, as Larry is searching the dorm, Ayesha pushes play on Kyle’s laptop. When she pushes play, the three second footage shown is “Tape 56/frame narrative” from V/H/S. Therefore, footage of the “Tape 56/frame narrative” is shown in “Tape 49/frame/narrative.”
Widely considered one of three cornerstone mumblegore motion pictures, a subgenre of mumblecore popularized by the original VHS.
The Safe Haven cult uses symbols similar to those used in the Blair Witch Project.