Well there we have it, we’ve reached the end of the “Silent Night Deadly Night” franchise and the end of my Xmas Special. I hope you’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s not the greatest franchise in the Horror genre but at-least we will always have the fantastic first film to enjoy.
It’s a franchise that had so much potential, it could’ve become the ultimate Xmas horror franchise, just like Michael Myers is for Halloween but alas it never happened. It’s a shame really but best not to dwell on woulda, shoulda, coulda, especially at this time of year.
If you’ve enjoyed my Xmas special then head on over to razsmidnightmacabre.blogspot.com/ where I have listed a-lot of other Xmas horror films and also done a review on one of my all time Xmas horror favorites “Santa’s Slay”
So from me I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and remember people, Don’t be naughty or Santa will punish you! ;)
See you all next year, when Raz’s Midnight Macabre continues on SomeWhatNerdy :)