When Bethesda got done making Skyrim, all the developers where given the task of “doing whatever they wanted to do and put it in the game.”  The first video below is what they came up with and I truly hope that all this stuff makes it into Skyrim or into the Elder Scrolls as a future DLC or mod. Below the developers video is The Great Battle of Skyrim. A bad-ass machinima battle that involves 500 Draugr, 200 skeletons, 500 Dwarven Warriors and a dragon, all set up using few a mods and console commands. Pretty damn epic!


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I’m Snarfkris and I’m the head Nerd here at SWN. I'm also one of the host on the SomewhatNerdy Radio and Nerds of the Squared Circle podcast. On top of that I am also the webmaster, editor, writer, and all around slave to the website. I’m a giant Star Wars and comic Nerd. MTFBWY