OK super easy contest this time … email us at contest@somewhatnerdy.com with your name, what your nerdy about, and what size shirt you wear. We will choose one winner at random and that winner will win a SomewhatNerdy T-Shirt and a signed print from artist Brandon Badeaux. That’s it! Super Easy!
All we want is for you to share our Facebook (HERE,) Twitter(HERE,) and YouTube (HERE (which we almost never use, but we will soon, with a web-show… so you all can see our sexy faces every week and more of us messing around in games) … no you don’t have to but we’ll love you forever if you do. Also (site news) we will be starting a podcast very soon … soon you all can start listening into our Nerd rants about everything from comics to movies to video games. So we look forward to that but before that make sure to email contest@somewhatnerdy.com for the contest. Thanks Nerds and good luck.