It’s time for some spoilerific thoughts on Avengers: Endgame. This won’t be a review as I’ve already reviewed the movie but instead I’ll talk about certain things that I couldn’t discuss in the first review since I wanted to make it spoiler free. Lets break this into topics to make it easier, shall we? Let’s start with…


Let’s start with the obvious how does this film affect the future of the MCU? Neil H. commented on my Avengers: Endgame review: Where did Loki disappear to? And here, my friends, is the million dollar question. We know that Loki is getting his own TV show. This has been confirmed unlike other projects (which we’ll discuss later). So in my opinion, there are one of two options. The first is that he didn’t really die in Infinity War like many people have speculated. The trickster god somehow escaped and, knowing he was out of his league, decided to hang low. OR he really did die and the Loki TV show is going to follow the Loki from the other reality. Remember, they explained in Endgame that if you change something in time it creates an alternate timeline. So maybe the show will follow the alternate timeline Loki who has the space stone aka the Tesseract which can be used to travel between dimensions. As for Neil H’s question, Loki probably has a multitude of hiding places around the universe and I’m guessing he teleported there. Either way, we’ll be seeing Loki again. But will he see the Loki we know? Will we see Agent Loki? The possibilities are endless.
Black Widow

There’s still going to be a Black Widow movie? It’s hard to say. Some sources say that it was never going to happen. That the movie was a rumor that was never squashed by Disney to keep people guessing when it came to Endgame. Other sources say that the movie has indeed been confirmed and has a 2020 release date and has a director and other big actors already signed on. But here’s my question? How? Black Widow was killed and unless they get cheap and use the reality stone to bring her back, the movie will have to be a prequel. The problem with that is that since we know Black Widow’s ultimate fate, it makes her movie pointless and it feels more like an obvious cash grab than a story that needed to be told.
Cap’s Time Travel

As I already mentioned we know that if you go back in time and change something, it creates an alternate timeline. So how was Captain America able to return the stones to their original locations, then go back to spend the rest of his life with Peggy Carter? This is a topic that a lot of people have been talking about ever since the movie premiered. I too noticed this problem during the movie but there’s one obvious answer that a lot of other people have already realized. The whole Infinity Saga already takes place in the alternate universe Cap created by going back in time to be with Peggy. Confusing? Of course it’s confusing. Time travel is always confusing.
Female Power!

The final battle featured an awesome scene where all the women, save for the dead Black Widow, come together to form a heroic circle around Captain Marvel as she tries to get across the battlefield with Iron Man’s gauntlet. I loved this scene and it amazingly came across not as try hardy but triumphant. This could have easily been a cringy attempt to show how inclusive Marvel was being but it was so well done that was one of the best parts of the film.
Cap and Mjolnir

No actual thoughts on this besides HOW COOL WAS THAT!? This was an awesome part of the movie that they really didn’t hint at. I mean, we all knew that if anyone could pick up Mjolnir besides Thor (and Vision) it’d be Cap but this was something that was pure fan service and 100% awesome.
The Soul Stone and Powerless Characters

Anne originally brought this to my attention. When the team split up, Hawkeye and Black Widow were picked to go get the Soul Stone. The Soul Stone was the one stone that they had no idea how to get and it was on an alien planet. So why in the damn hell did they send the two most powerless people to go get it? Why not at least send Nebula and War Machine who may not have powers but have more knowledge and power than them. Don’t misunderstand, I know why plotwise they were chosen. Because the sacrifice had to be made. But from within the story it made no sense. They would have served better in New York where they were trying to be sneaky. I think Hawkeye and Black Widow would have been a better choice for a very spy like mission.
The Reality Stone and Jane Foster

Here’s another question that came up that I haven’t seen answered yet. If any of the group changed anything substantial it would have created a new timeline. So wouldn’t Jane Foster being stabbed by a needle wielding anthropomorphic raccoon count as a sizable change? Let’s pretend that the gadget Rocket used was some fancy sci-fi tool that couldn’t be felt. Let’s pretend. But now how did Cap get the stone back in her? Did he bring that same tool to inject it back in her? Was it just in his pocket somewhere and we didn’t see? This is a minor thing but it was something I’ve pondered.
Who Was That Kid At Iron Man’s Funeral?

It’s Harley Keener from Iron Man 3.
How Can Spider-Man Far From Home Be The Final Movie in the Infinity Saga?

The only way this would make any sense after the events of Endgame is if Spider-Man FFH addresses how the people who came back are dealing with the 5 year time jump. If they do that in Spider-Man then the movie would serve as an epilogue for the Infinity Saga. If it doesn’t address this then there’s no reason this couldn’t be the first movie of Phase 4 or the new saga.
No More Iron Man, huh?

I didn’t foresee Iron Man dying because I thought it was going to be Cap. In an interview Robert Downey Jr said that he would keep playing Iron Man as long as it was interesting, so I could see him making cameo appearances. But since he’s dead, that’s it, right? Well, yes and no. It’s all up to RDJ and Marvel. The thing about deaths in comics is that no one is dead forever unless that person is Uncle Ben or Superman’s Dad (Batman’s parents “came back” during Blackest Night) So if RDJ wants to play Iron Man again, they’ll find a way to bring him back. If he doesn’t, he’ll stay dead. Other people may have taken up the role of Iron Man (like James Rhodes), but I don’t think this is a move that Marvel will make in the MCU.
Falcon, not Winter Solder?

Just something interesting to note. Both Sam AND Bucky have taken up the mantle of Captain America in the comics. Bucky took over after Cap was assassinated and Falcon took over after Cap lost his serum powers. Will we actually see another Captain America movie but with Sam as Cap? Probably not. But it would be cool to see Anthony Mackie get a staring role.
Gamora and Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Or should we say Asgardians of the Galaxy? Chris Hemsworth said that he’d be willing to do another Thor movie because of Thor: Ragnarok and the overhaul the character got in that story. So since Hemsworth is willing to do the story, will we see him in Guardians 3? Also, what was Gamora’s fate? Since she was once on the side of good she wasn’t on Tony’s mind when he snapped the bad guys away. Even if he just wished the villain army away, Gamora had changed sides already so she wouldn’t have been affected by Tony’s snap. That being said, they hinted that Star Lord and the rest of the Guardians were looking for her and with Thor’s help maybe we now know some of the plot of Guardians Chapter 3.
We know that Adam Warlock was hinted at during the end of Guardians 2 and since James Gunn is back in charge, his original story is probably going to be used, but will he have to add Thor to it? Will Taika Waititi come back to direct Thor Ragnarok 2? Time will tell.
The End
So what did you think of Avengers Endgame? Did you have any questions or thoughts that I didn’t cover here? Do you have another take on something I covered here? Let me know in the comments down below.