Today’s review is on the last issue of the Ghost Prison storyline starring Darth Vader. To catch you up to speed, an assassination attempt was placed on the Emperor by hidden agents within the Imperial Academy lead by Headmaster Gentis. Darth Vader takes the Emperor to safety with the help Trachta and of one of the graduates, Laurita Tohm. With the Emperor recovering from his wounds, Vader and Tohm find the location of the Ghost Prison, The Ghost Prison is where all the worst prisoners of the Jedi Council were sentenced to serve their time. It was called a Ghost Prison because only a handful of Jedi knew of its existence. Anyway, once at the prison, Vader recruits the best of the bunch and they form a small but affective army to help take back Coruscant from Gentis.
Fast forward to issue #5 and we find Tohm discussing tactics with one of those prisoners, Captain Volta, on how to intercept Grand Moff Tarkin’s fleet to warn him about the treachery. You see, since the Emperor got away, stage two of Gentis’s plan was to kill Tarkin for the deaths of the cadets under his command, especially his two sons. As you read on in the issue, you see Tarkin’s arrival as well as his arrest by Gentis. When you turn the page, you realize Vader got to Tarkin in time, because there he is providing an ambush to the traitors on Coruscant. What takes place next is an epic battle that does not go well for Gentis and his followers.
This issue is a must to any fan of the Empire or the Dark Side. Why? You ask. Because it shows you how ruthless they are to achieve their goal, which some may say is total domination. Once the battle is said and done, Trachata becomes a Grand Moff for his service and Tohm gets promoted to Admiral. The prisoners are let go and Tohm gives his report to the Emperor and all seems well for Tohm. But let me pose a question, why haven’t we heard of Admiral Tohm before this series? When you get to the end of this issue, you will know the answer to that question.
This issue was by far the best of the entire series! I give it a 15 out of 10 rating. I mean, it is well written and the art is fantastic. This issue will drain you of some emotion; it is written and drawn that damn good. I cannot wait to see what comes next from this series creative team. So, get your issue now, you will be glad you did. Until next time, May the Force be with you.
Script: Haden Blackman Art: Agustin Alessio
Lettering: Michael Heisler Cover Art: Dave Wilkins
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics