First off I’m super late getting these up … I live in New Orleans so I had to much of a good time this weekend and it has taken me a few days to recover. So like I said, you may have seen these already but I wanted to get them up anyway.
First up is the Iron Man 3 “extended” look (since we got screwed out of it during the Super Bowl,) next up is the really sweet Walking Dead/Time Warner Cable commercial, after that is Oz the Great and Powerful trailer which still looks somewhat decent, next up is another Disney movie The Lone Ranger which I’m still not feeling at all (have a feeling its going to suck,) next is Fast and Furious 6 … I’m guilty of really liking this series of movies (kind of just fun movies for me,) and last up is the Star Trek: Into Darkness trailer which of course looks damn great.
What’s your favorite one? Did your team win? Did you drink to much? Sound off below in the comments.