Greetings my fellow Nerds, how are you?  Today is Flashback Friday as always but there is a twist.  Today is also the day that Man of Steel opens worldwide in the theatres.  I for one cannot wait until I see this film as you are, but until then, why not catch up on some Superman reading?  The graphic novel Superman Vs. Zod should catch you up to speed on the origins of the main characters from the Man of Steel film.

Superman vs. Zod is a collection of classic stories from the Superman franchise published by DC Comics.  This trade contains stories from the following issues:

Adventure Comics #283, 1961

Action Comics #473, 1977

Action Comics #548-549, 1983

DC  Comics Presents #97, 1986

Action Comics Annual #10, 2007

If you are a fan of Superman or even just a fan of the Villain Zod, this is a must have for your collection,  It is fun to watch Clark  as he is just a mere boy learn about the Phantom Zone for the first time as his curiosity gets the better of him.  It is also interesting to see the different phases Zod went through with his appearance. The core of Zod is the same no matter what he looks like, he wanted to lead a new Krypton and destroy those who stood in his way.  I am sure the new film will keep this intact.

I give this trade an overall rating of  8 out of 10.  The only reason I didn’t give it a perfect score was that there are some Zod stories I feel that should have been included in this book.  Who knows, maybe their is a sequel in the works.  So enjoy the book, enjoy the movie, and as always, get your NERD on.


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