It is the glorious return of FLASHback Friday and I couldn’t be happier about today’s post. First of all, let me apologize for my absence …
Showing: 277 - 282 of 636 RESULTS
Derf’s Comic Picks of the Week
Another week has come and gone as we get closer to the holidays. Most of you are shopping for loved ones and catching all the …
Derf’s Comic Picks of the Week
Another glorious New Comic Book Day is upon us. Time to rush to the stores, not for Christmas presents but for something more important like …
Derf’s Comic Picks of the Week
Another week is upon us and I have a lot to be thankful for. I have awesome friends, you the readers that make this worth …
An Interview with Kapalaka
It is the return of my cosplay interviews. I apologize for the lack of interviews lately, but life has been a little hectic for me …
Where are they know? featuring artist Sarah Miller
A few months ago, I did an interview with the lovely and talented Sarah Miller. We talked about her time on Ink Master as well …