We all know that Wolverine and Sabertooth have history. We also know that they worked together on more than one occasion, but did you know that there was a time when Creed worked for Logan? The First X-men is about Logan and Creed saving mutants from extinction. Of course Sabertooth wasn’t on board with Logan’s rescue mission until he offered to pay.
Issue#1 begins with Logan trying to save the child of a friend from his past. Something happens to the boy, who turns out to be a mutant. Anyway, an organization grabs the body and gets the hell out of dodge. When Logan comes to, he realizes something is up and he goes to recruit Creed aka Sabertooth.
Sabertooth doesn’t get the plan because he is a killer. Why should he care to saves lives when he is used to taking them. Well, Logan offers to pay him and tha got Creed’s attention. Logan uses his senses to track the boy’s whereabouts. Once they find him, they bust in his prison and realize that he isn’t the only mutant being hunted. So, with the intel that they collect, they go on a mission to save mutants. The first mutant they save is a girl named Holo. (Hint her name is a clue to her ability) Once they save her, they go after the next mutant on the list. Who is it? Get your copy today to find out.
Not only is Neal Adams a talented artist, he is a great writer as well. I truly recommend this book to any X-man fan as well as Adams fan. This issue has truly earned its 10 out of 10 rating.
Writers: Neal Adams & Christos Gage Publisher: Marvel
Artist: Neal Adams Colors: Matthew Wilson