Ever wonder what Optimus Prime was like before he was Prime? Well that is the meaning behind the Transformers Spotlight: Orion Pax. For those of you who don’t know, Orion Pax was Prime’s given name before he became the Prime and leader of the Autobots. This issue takes you back 4 million years ago on Cybertron. And man is there a lot of excitement in this issue.
Orion Pax is sent on a mission to trade a Decepticon in exchange for the Autobot Ratchet. Zeta Prime has ordered Pax, Nightbeat, and Alpha Trion to go to the Rust Spot and make the exchange. The Rust Spot is a very hazardous area of Cybertron and that is why they need Alpha Zion on the mission. He is the only one that can take them there safely.
The Autobots run into some turbulence while on their way but it’s nothing they cannot handle. That is until the Decepticon Bludgeon tries a double cross. Little does he know the Autobots were prepared for such devious behavior. Pax holds back the Decepticons while the others get to safety. Furious, Bludgeon ties Pax to a missile to destroy a nearby settlement. Does Pax get out alive? I think we know that answer, but it is fun to see how he does get out of that mess.
This issue is spot on terrific! I love the writing as well as the art. There are 3 covers but the one I got was by master artist Livio Ramondelli. He did Cover B for this issue. I give this issue a perfect rating of 10 out of 10. Roll out and get your copy today!
Story: James Roberts
Pencils: Steve Kurth
Cover: Livio Ramondelli
Publisher: IDW