The story we have been waiting for has finally arrived. The Throne of Atlantis promises to be a beginning of a new era in the realm of DC Comics. What would make Atlantis attack the surface world and if they did where would Arthur stand? These questions and much more are answered in the first three issues of this epic storyline.
In Aquaman #14, we are shown a glimpse of Aquaman’s family history. We are also shown want has become of Black Manta and his refusal to join an elite squad. I am sure that is a story for another day. Anyway, we get to catch a glimpse of Arthur and his brother catching up on old times and Aquaman is assured that Atlantis will not attack the surface. Only thing is, someone uses the scepter of Atlantis to release the captives of the trench and of course you know they will want to feed.
In Justice League #15, what seems to be routine Navy training turns into one horrible nightmare. Missiles get launched and appear to go into the empty ocean only to attack a settlement of Atlantis. With this Arthur’s brother Orm attacks the surface world. He appears to have no choice since he is the King of Atlantis and must protect his people. At least that is what Arthur keeps telling himself. Aquaman goes to the league to ask for help and to ask them to let him handle it at first. Right now all Orm is doing is using stage 1 of the Atlantean War plans and Arthur wants him stopped before he goes to stage 2. How does Arthur now what is going on? Well, read the issue and you will see.
In Aquaman #15, the tide of war has begun. Batman and Aquaman are trying to meet up with Superman and Wonder Woman to discuss a plan of attack. When they are all together they discuss possibilities as well as the casualties that have already occurred. Arthur asks for one chance to talk to his brother. He is granted that chance, but it does not go well and the League step in. This causes Arthur to do something he never thought he would do, he turns on the league, or does he? You will have to get this issue and see for yourself.
These three issues are a must for any comic fan! I give each issue a perfect rating of 10 out of 10. I cannot wait to see what happens next, I mean this story is good enough to become a film. Geoff Johns is telling a wonderful story and leaving no stone unturned. This is one series I recommend for anyone to collect. Well, get your issues now so you can see what I mean. Until next time, Happy Reading!
Aquaman #14 (Prelude)
Story: Geoff Johns
Pencils: Pete Woods and Pere Perez
Justice League #15 (Part 1)
Story: Geoff Johns
Pencils: Ivan Reis
Aquaman #15 (Part 2)
Story: Geoff Johns
Pencils: Paul Pelletier
All books are published by DC Comics