Well, today was a “snow” day in Louisiana which meant that I could catch up on some necessary reading. The first title I picked up was issue #16 of the Uncanny X-men. After I was finished reading it, I asked myself, “Why did I wait so long to read it? ” I realized I had to share a post so that others do not make the same mistake.
Uncanny X-men #16 starts with Magneto in a crowd of mutant supporters at the Jean Grey School for Gifted Youngsters, well at least what was left of the school after the events of their Battle. (see Battle of the Atom – Derf). The crowd was calling for support of the mutant race and that anything less would be intolerable. Magneto, drifted for a minute but was brought back to Earth from an individual from his past. That individual is none other than Dazzler, Agent Dazzler of S.H.I.E.L.D. She went on to tell Magneto that he looks as if he was longing for something. She knows he hasn’t been the same since Charles died and she suggested a trip that would calm his nerves. She suggested Madripoor. It turns out that someone is turning Madripoor into another Utopia or haven for mutants. Well, this sparked Erik’s curiosity.
Our story then follows Erik to his arrival to Madripoor in the search of clues. While on his search, he is jumped by a gang of foolish mutants who did not know who they were dealing with. It turns out that the real Magneto is still alive and well. After leaving a pile of bodies, Erik follows the clues to Hydra tower only to find that a “Brotherhood” has taken over. He was asked to join the organization but Erik “politely” declined. Exactly what happens next, you need to see it to believe it.
The story then turns to the New Xavier School where Scott is looking for Magneto. No one seems to know where he is. Emma thinks that Erik will be back. I just wonder which Erik will return. Will it be the tamed teammate they know since Charles’s death or will it be the ruthless killer from the past? Who knows. its anyone guess. I do know that Magneto’s story will continue in Magneto #1. Until then, the X-men will just have to carry on without him.
Because this issue is a tie-in to Magneto #1, I say it is a must have for comic fans. Magneto #1 looks to be a promising book for those who miss the old Magneto. I know I miss the old Erik, how about you? I give this issue a strong rating of 9 out of 10. Stay tuned for when I post my review on Magneto #1. Until next time, get your READ on!