As I have said in past posts, the Punisher is one of my favorite characters of all time. That is why his books are some of the only titles that I get from Marvel. The first time I posted from this series was to tell you about issue #1, issues 2-4 were strong, but I never posted about them because I was waiting for another classic Punisher storyline and issue #5 has it. Issue #5 is titled, ‘A Little about Revenge”. So you can guess where the story is going with a title like that.
The story starts with a boy who is tired of being bullied and he wants his dad to teach him how to fight. His father explains he knows how he feels but revenge is not the way. He then proceeds to tell his son about his quest for vengeance when he was a boy. You see, his father was killed when he was young and he vowed to get his dad’s killer. His vengeance wouldn’t be instant but he would have his day.
He helped take care of his mother after his father’s death. His mom lost herself in a bottle. That is how she coped with death, but he knew he would have his vengeance. That thought alone is what kept him going day in day out. Every day, he would do his research about the man who killed his father and then he would put his plan in motion.
What was his plan? He went to a cemetery waiting for the killer to arrive. A couple of hours later, we see a shadow of a man with a familiar symbol on his shirt and offered the kid a ride. The kid jumped at the chance for this was part of his plan. He invites the Punisher in his house, and eventually tries to shoot him.
You see, his father worked for the mafia as an accountant. He happened to be in a warehouse that the Punisher had hit and there were no survivors. So this teenage kid thought he would one up the Punisher, well he thought wrong. The Punisher left the kid with some wise words. He said, “Go live a life, that’s all the revenge you need”.
Now, I haven’t told you all the details because you need to check this issue out for yourself. Even if you have not been following this title, you need to read this book. The writing is great! The art is wonderful! It is an all-out awesome book! I give this issue a strong rating of 15 out of 10.
Writer: Skottie Young Color: Rachelle Rosenberg
Artist: Mirko Colak Publisher: Marvel Comics