Greetings NERDs of the Squared Circle,
I know I have been absent lately, but there was a good reason. Hell, I’ll even go on to say I had a great reason for my absence. What is that reason you ask, well to get great interviews for you, our loyal readers of course. I return with an interview with a legend in the industry of modeling/cosplay/wrestling/ and now comics as well. I have an interview with the one and only April Hunter. Old School wrestling fans will know her from her days in the nWo where as others will know her from her work with the TNA and independent circuit. As stated earlier, she is also a well known model and cosplayer so odds are you have seen her at a con. Instead of me writing a summary of the interview, why don’t i just give you the interview already. Enjoy!
DERF: Who are you and where are you from?
April: I’m a super heroine (and writer) from Philadelphia, which isn’t exactly glamorous, but it’ll have to do.
DERF: I have been a fan of yours since your debut as a nWo girl at WCW, hell maybe before that. How did the opportunity present itself for you to be a nWo girl?
April: Thank you! I like my fans, especially the long time ones. Very much appreciate that. WCW happened because of Playboy. I’d done some layouts for them and appeared in the Hardbodies issue that Kim Page was in. WCW decided to bring in some eye candy and thus, my wrestling career began on the arm of Big Poppa Pump. He’s actually a very decent human being.
DERF: I also understand that after your time in WCW, you were trained by the great Killer Kowalski. What was that like? I imagine it was pretty intense.
April: Walter was amazing. WWE sent me there and I couldn’t have asked for a better training experience. I’d had a meeting with the writers in WWE and it was decided I’d train in Boston first. Unfortunately, by the time I was ready, I got lost in the shuffle of acquiring ECW and WCW, so I went to work overseas in England, Japan and Mexico instead for that time period. (They later offered me a developmental contract, but I wasn’t able to take it at that time. I found out I was sick with a cardio/lung auto immune and traveling like that just wouldn’t be possible.) Never did I realize how much Kowalski’s had prepared me until then. He was an amazing man and took me under his wing. I was the only female there, so he also showed me a lot of self defense and shoot moves, especially when he found out I’d be going to Japan. He was concerned I’d be robbed on the train in Boston or taken advantage of in the ring and always looked out for me. As students, we were a little spoiled because Walt ran student shows and made sure we were all paid decently from Day 1. I got used to always being paid and rarely accepted anything else unless it was a benefit show. His passing was a huge loss for the business. “Make the people NOTICE YOU.” He pounded this into all of us.
DERF: You have had a very successful career as a wrestler. Do you have a favorite moment in wrestling that you would like to share?
Many. Too many. Trying to recall one right now…an am blanking because I’m supposed to be doing schoolwork instead of a fun interview. I know that being the only female in school where the young guys weren’t used to it took some getting used to with headlocks. They didn’t quite know how to work their heads around my boobs until I told them, “just get over it. They’re tits. Half the population has them. You’re not going to offend me, forget they’re there and hit me! Fuck.”
DERF: Earlier, I stated that I may have been a fan of yours before your wrestling days. That is because I was familiar with your work as a model. What made you get into modeling?
April: Luck, genetics, height and freedom. Anything to avoid a 9-5 job! I started modeling as a teen for clothing designers and local stores and started with an agency when I was 17. I was just shy of the 5’10” height they required, so glamour modeling was suggested instead. I’d always wanted to be a writer, but my looks paid better. I’m fortunate that I’ve been able to support myself on them, along with some business savvy. My writing paychecks are pretty small.
DERF: Some of your modeling consists of comic themes, like Phoenix or Wonder Woman. Are you a comic book fan? If so, who is your favorite hero?
April: Absolutely. The Punisher. No super powers, just training, balls and morals.
DERF: Where can our readers keep posted with your ongoing adventures?
April: On various sites. I have www.AprilHunter.com for that and a free newsletter I mail out. It has my entire career on there as well. I’m also on twitter @aprilhunter and Instagram @realaprilhunter. My Facebook is AprilHunterOfficial
DERF: If you could work with anyone on a project, who do you have in mind and why?
April: I’d be on the writing team at HBO for a real good show. Right now, I work with George Perez (Marvel, DC and Boom Studios) for Sirens as the character Agony. I think it would be fantastic to do an adult coloring book, publish a book of my insane exploits (and they have been incredibly insane) and work with more artists on high end art projects, like a Lady Punisher.
DERF: If you were not wrestling or modeling, what do you think you would be doing for a career?
April: I’m a full time student at Full Sail University for my degree in Creative Writing for TV, Film and Games. So, that.
DERF: Do you have anything that you would like to promote at this moment?
April: Welp, I’m in Atlanta for Days of the Dead Horror Con Feb 3-5. Bradenton FL For Inked and Geeked Expo mid March. WrestleCon in Orlando during Wrestlemania weekend. And I have my own site, as mentioned above where you can find me right now!
DERF: Last but not least, do you have any advice for newcomers in the world of wrestling or modeling?
April: Have a thick fucking skin and know that this is your product, not you. If I took things personally…with the amount of terrible things I’ve had said by people or written online…I’d have curled up and cried myself out of the business years ago. But instead, I’m competing for jobs with women half my age and getting them. When you get slammed, shit on or criticized, don’t take it personally. If people are hating, you’re doing something right. Work until your signature is an autograph. Look at your photos BEFORE they are photo shopped. That’s the only way you know what’s really going on. Never believe absolute critique or absolute flattery, especially the latter. There IS such a thing as ‘death by flattery’. Take it with a grain of salt and move on. Always introduce yourself when you walk into a room. And for wrestling, ALWAYS tape up. It’s easier to prevent an injury than heal one. Lastly, know the business won’t be there for you at 4 am. Family comes first. You can always make more money.
I want to thank April for taking the time away from her busy schedule to complete this interview. After reading it, go to her pages and give her some likes and follows. Wrestling fans, don’t forget about our weekly podcast Nerds of the Squared Circle. Until next time, unleash your inner NERD and as always, get your READ on!