I’ve stated it before and I’ll say it again, I can’t wait for this game to get released. Whitemoon Dreams and Privateer Press Interactive are doing an great job with this game and with every video they release I get more and more excited. Today we get two videos from the Warmachine Tactics tutorial series that Whitemoon studio is working on. In these videos we get introduced to the basic functions of the game and learn how to use focus to dominate the battlefield. I really like the concept of this series, as far as teaching the people who aren’t really versed in the Warmachine knowledge, and love getting to see a more polished version of the game. Seeing the progression of this game from the announcement of the kickstarter only a year ago to what they are showcasing today is amazing. Again I can’t wait to get my hands on this one. Make sure to check out and subscribe to Whitemoon’s youtube here and their Facebook here. Also stop by Privateer Press’ Facebook here and see where Warmachine got its start.