Hey nerds! ibpimpin here and I’m coming to you with the first edition of “What You Should Be Reading Wednesdays”. Today we take a look at Flashpoint. The summer DC blockbuster that’s going to transform the entire DC universe. Literally. They’re gonna start everything over with a new #1, de-age some characters and change some origins. But that’s a subject for another edition.
In Flashpoint, Geoff (everything I touch turns to gold) Johns of Green Lantern fame and Andy Kubert weave an elseworld tale both exciting and visually titillating (see what I did there). Geoff never misses a beat with his fluid and compelling story telling, and with just two issues in he has set up a cast of intriguing versions of classic DC characters. All the while giving a jaw dropping ending to both issues. That’s not all, Super star artist Andy Kubert has once again shown why he’s one of the best. His ability to show so much action in every panel is only surpassed by his attention to detail. Seeing his art makes one realize that’s how you’re suppose to draw superheros.
How about the story? What’s it about? Well think of it as Back to the Future with The Flash as Marty McFly and Batman as Doc. That should make you feel a lil’ nerdy. Seemingly it isn’t these plot elements that make it so bad ass. It’s the elseworld theme that does it. In it you have Emperor Aqua Man who has sunk half of Europe in attempts to win a war against Wonder Woman and the Amazons. All the while, a band of heroes and villains try to recruit Batman in an attempt to save the world from both of them. Only it isn’t Bruce Wayne (you figure out who it is), he died that night in Crime alley. This is the world The Flash has awaken to. He’s gonna need the help from Batman to get his powers back and change the world back to the way it was.
So far it’s a solid book from end to end. But “everything can change in a flash” and will when the series is over. If you wanna know how everything at DC changed (or will change in Sept.) then this is the story. And that is why you should be reading it Wednesdays.
To get the current issues of Flashpoint and all your other nerdy needs click the link above.