A few months ago, I did an interview with the lovely and talented Sarah Miller. We talked about her time on Ink Master as well as her many adventures in tattooing and cosplay. Well, today I am doing a follow-up interview to talk about her comic that was just released by Ascension comics. The comic is called the Valkyrie’s Wode and it looks to be a very good read. I am in the process of getting my copy and then I will do a review for you, our faithful flock. But first, let’s get on with the interview of the one and only Sarah Miller.
SWN: Hi Sarah, how have you been since the last time we talked?
SM: I’ve been doing really great and keeping busy! Between the tattoo convention circuit and working on my comic book – The Valkyrie’s Wode – I hardly had time to catch my breath.
SWN: In our last interview, we focused on your work as a tattoo artist and your time on the second season of Ink Master. This time I would like to focus on your work in comics. Your comic “The Valkyrie’s Wode” came out recently. What is it about? Is it a one-shot or the beginning of a series?
SM: The Valkyrie’s Wode is definitely the beginning of a series! We just released issue 0 at New York Comic Con as an introduction. It’s a special print and we won’t be releasing it again. The first issue is due to be released this December, with a bi-monthly release from there on out.
The Valkyrie’s Wode is set in ancient Scandanavia. It’s a world that values strength and honor to the point where only warriors get admitted to paradise in the afterlife, and I wanted to tell a story from the perspective of someone who’d ordinarily never get that opportunity: a young girl. When her closest friend (a gentle pacifist) is killed, she finds it unfair he’ll be sent to the Norse version of Hell. Rather than let that happen, she attacks the Valkyrie that comes for his soul, steals her powers, and runs off with his ghost instead. From then on the story follows her attempts to resurrect her friend, and her pursuit by the forces of Odin, who aren’t too happy with her upsetting the balance of power.
SWN: Where can our readers get their hands on a copy?
SM: It can be found at our online store at www.wyldchyldpittsburgh.com and www.valkyrieswode.com
SWN: Do you have plans on creating more comics?
SM: This comic has been 2 years in the making and is the main focus for Ascension Comics at this time, but you never know what new projects are bound to happen!
SWN: How did you come up with the idea for “The Valkyrie’s Wode”?
SM: I was always fascinated by Norse legends, especially the Valkyries; these warrior women tasked with collecting and judging the dead. My writing partner, Anthony Moreci, thought a story about a Valkyrie who shirks her duty for personal reasons would be interesting, and I took the next step and proposed that she should be a human girl who steals that power herself. From there we sat down and fleshed out the ramifications of such an act, and began to write. My writing partner took all my ideas, words, and the stuff that I didn’t have actual time to sit down and put to paper. He made an amazing script taking his experience in animation and cinematography and put that into laying out the script in a very illustrative fashion. Then I met Damian Torres last year at New York Comic Con, and he turned our script into some incredible pages.
SWN: You are such an amazing artist, where do you get your inspirations from?
SM: When working on The Valkyrie’s Wode, I would say some of my influences would have to be Mark Brooks, J. Scott Campbell and Michael Turner. I love the way Michael Turner storyboarded and I was referencing a lot of Witchblade.
SWN: Since we know you as a tattoo artist as well, I hear you are having a tattoo giveaway contest happening. What is that about and how can we get involved?
SM: I am! The contest is an amazing opportunity to win a free portrait tattoo. Every purchase of The Valkyrie’s Wode will come with one entry form for a chance to win a free portrait tattoo from Sarah Miller (estimated value $1,000). There is no limit to how many items may be purchased, and there is no limit to how many accompanying entry forms may be submitted. The contest ends December 31st, 2014. Details can be found at www.wyldchyldpittsburgh.com.
SWN: Sticking with the tattoo theme, if you could tattoo any celebrity, who would it be and why?
SM: I would love to have the chance to tattoo Lady Gaga. She’s a very focused individual and a fantastic artist. I believe she would have some amazing ideas.
SWN: What was your Comicon experience like?
SM: It was intense! Easily the largest convention (tattoo or comic) I’ve ever attended. With all the people interested in our booth, I hardly had time to explore. I feel right at home among the cosplayers and fans, so the environment was very welcoming.
SWN: What can we expect from Sarah in the future?
SM: You can expect a lot more bigger and better things in 2015. Check my Facebook page and Instagram for updates!
SWN: I just want to thank Sarah for taking the time once again to do an interview with us. Do yourself a favor and check out her comic the Valkyrie’s Wode. Until next time, Unleash your inner NERD! ~Derf