It is Wednesday, which most of us know as New Comic Book Day, but every once in awhile I like to get in touch with a cosplayer that I have interviewed in the past. Those of you who are familiar with these posts know them as my Where are they now? segments. Today, my focus is on a very talented cosplayer/model. She goes by the name Pigeon Foo and in my opinion she is one of the best I have ever seen. When she gets into character, she becomes that character, not only in appearance but in action as well. So, without further hesitation, I present unto you, my interview with the great Pigeon Foo.
1. It has been a couple of years since I first interviewed you, how have you been?
Well! I’ve been rather busy… I’ve taken up modeling full time which has it’s ups and downs! It’s nice to focus on my career but it also poses a lot more restraint on my budget. Haha.
2. What new cosplays have you done since the last time we spoke?
There’s been a few, not all of them have had official convention debuts yet. Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 is one that is completed that I’ll be showing on my con tour this year along with Asuka’s school uniform from Evangelion.
3. Out of all of your past cosplays, do you have a favorite?
OH, probably Medusa Gorgon from Soul Eater! I was actually rather worried about pulling off a character like her… I’m petite and rather young looking in the face. I have a different kind of air about me in person and at conventions so Lady Medusa was out of the comfort zone of what I usually cosplay. But once all the pieces were brought together and I was in full costume I never had a second thought about it. I adore dressing as her and I’ve had a large number of compliments in person and online over how well I embodied her character. I’m very excited to begin working on other versions of her in the future as well. She’s a character that will stay in my stable of work for a very long time.
4. My favorite has and always will be your version of Magik, is that character close to your heart?
Very much! I discovered her thanks to the promotional poster of the X-Infernus comic a few years back in my comic store. It was of her Dark Chylde side, but it’s all Illyana at the end of the day, right? I was smitten with her design immediately and bugged the comic owner with a hundred questions… and ended up buying the hardback novel of the entire story line. He even gave me the poster when they were done using it in the store and I still own it. I have been a HUGE fan of Illyana and her various incarnations ever since. I’m well known for my basic X-Men uniform for Illyana, but I even did a fairly obscure costume of her’s one year for Dragon*Con. I’m amping up to one day working on a Dark Chylde costume. (Or three.)
5. I also know you are an accomplished model, what projects are you currently working on?
I was invited to ExpoComics Cancun as a cosplay/international model guest so that’s pretty exciting. It will be my first time as a guest for a convention and holding my own panels. I’m looking forward to the experience and maybe doing some conventions in the states afterwards! This Summer will also begin my first out of state modeling tour, as I’ll be making a few trips to shoot with other photographers and for more projects this year.
6. What do you prefer, cosplay or modeling photo-shoots?
Standard glamour and nude modeling is the bulk of my career work, so these types of shoots come much more naturally to myself. Sometimes with cosplay shoots I become so concerned with whether I’m doing the character justice or not that I can’t relax and enjoy the shoot as much as when I’m just being myself or doing a non-cosplay project. Cosplaying is certainly something I want to work on more and become more comfortable with portraying on camera away from the conventions.
7. What can we expect from you in the future, cosplay wise?
I’ll be taking a trip out to an incredibly talented cosplay friend of mine who is going to be working on my armor and swords for an ALL NEW Illyana cosplay! This has me very giddy, as it will be my first time wearing armor for a convention and will be only my second costume with prop work. I decided to begin visibly upping my costume game and bringing more impressive work on my convention tours and this Illyana armor and prop work will really stand out against my past cosplay work.
8. When you have down time, what do you like to do?
T.V. and Movies. T.V. and Movies. I am all about T.V. and Movies. I’ve also gotten back into the habit of reading. I fell out of it for a few years so I’m excited when I get some new novels to tear in on my off days.
9. Are you a gamer? If so, what is your game of choice?
I’ve never classified myself as a gamer. I honestly drop most games I start playing, I get frustrated easily… a lot of games have a hard time holding my interest. I am, however, fanatical over the Silent Hill series. I own every entry short of Book of Memories and I have several pieces of Silent Hill merchandise. Also at the top of my list would be games like Darkstalkers, Tekken, Katamari Damacy and The World Ends With You.
10. If you could work with any cosplayer (that you have not worked with) who would it be?
Oh, hard one. I have a raging girl crush on Omi Gibson and I just think she is so spectacular! But I don’t often think of it in terms of the “cosplayer” I want to work with…more of the character I want to cosplay with. I’d slap my momma to be the Sailor Neptune to a gorgeous, tall, androgynous Sailor Uranus. That’s the kind of thing that runs through my head when I think about cosplaying.
Pigeon Foo Links:
pigeonfoo.deviantart.com/ (NSFW)
www.modelmayhem.com/1675193 (NSFW)
pigeonfoo.tumblr.com/ (NSFW)
www.nookiecutter.com/ (NSFW)
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