Jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle…The sounds of someone trying to get into your door, but no worries you were smart and locked the deadbolt. One last Jiggle then WOOSH the door flies open and a rush of air fills the room. SLAM!!! Goes the door as the noise awakens you from an unconscious slumber which you have mistaken for a creepy dream. Glancing around the room hoping your eyes can adjust to the light fast enough to be on the same page as your reflexes, you realize your not alone. Standing in-front of you is a bulky dark figure bringing a freshly lit cigar for a puff to its mouth, when you realize “Oh man this is going to suck cause I’m basically tied to the damn chair!” Through the haze of cigar smoke the figure speaks out asking you a simple question “Do You Know Where The Cool Kids Play??” Not fully aware of why you’re here but awake enough to tell that there is some unknown anger in this man’s voice you think to yourself “Here is the point where you should be able to come up with an answer, I mean it’s a simple question right?” Wrong! There isn’t just one easy answer that you can blurt out in response, but just before you can muster up some sort of BS answer the figure raises his cigar. As the figure takes another puff you can see the lenses of his glasses illuminate and the unknown anger in his eyes. “OH man, Oh man, Oh man, this is going to be bad” is the only thought you can seem to place in your confused and scrambled mind as this unknown figure places and opens a laptop in your lap. “Here is your answer” the figure whispers in your ear as he presses the enter button and heads out the door. Slowly you bring your shaken eyes to the screen on the laptop where you see a movie window open and something begins to play. The screen flashes brightly like a kaleidoscope causing you to squint your eyes, then it goes dark…” That’s it” you mumble. Then you hear the beginning guitar riffs of Back in Black as the screen lights up with a quickness and here is what you see….




D-Day Is Here!!!!!!
Hey there!!! I’m hoping that you enjoyed the little intro that I put you through…NO it doesn’t have any specific kind of meaning, but more of a clever way for me to get your attention and show some sneak pics of some things to come!! Not to give to much away but I’m working on some “Then vs Now, Classic vs Modern, Retro vs Reboot ” review type series….(If you have any requests feel free to email us)…Get ready more to come soon!!!!