After 3 decades, the recent developments on Ghostbusters 3, such as filming beginning as early as next year and the movie being a JJ Abram’s Star Trek style movie the excitement is back on. Also with SDCC comic con coming up what better way to recognize both by doing a kick back review of the EGON SPENGLER Ghostbusters figure the SDCC 2009 exclusive.
Back when the movie was released in 1984, we were never given the opportunity to own the movie likeness action figures but of the cartoon adaption, “the real ghostbusters” So in 2009 when Mattel announced that they will start to release movie likeness figures of the team that came, and saw and kicked ass, all 30 plus year olds got excited!.
Everyone had their favorite Ghostbuster, and the topic sparked much debate between friends, I remember doing it all the time. So where was Egon Spengler on the list with your friends? With his smart intellect, and his almost calm cool approach to any situation, in a weird way he was the bad ass of the team.
But lets get to the figure J
1) The Packaging
For the first time a company has actually listened to the adult collector and created packaging that can be opened and resealed back to put on display. Yes we’ve obviously seen this in boxed items, but most other figures out there are either vacuumed packed where u can possibly cut your own hands in the process of opening it , and with carded figures. I personally love this feature. The actual carded figure comes in a box makes transporting easier and protects it even more.
The Art for the figure is really cool, the card back shows us mr stay puff himself and the two dogs in the fore front. Lining up two figures side by side complete the dog image and looks pretty cool. The Back of the card has a fact file on the Ghostbuster. Further more the plastic bubble has the famous ghostbuster logo vacuum pressed in to it to give it some extra depth.
2) The Figure
The figure is a very detailed version of EGON SPENGLER, to his bushy eyebrows, name tag, emblem and much more. The head is almost spot on, as most companies tend to have trouble capturing likeliness, not here, Mattel did a terrific job. Even to the point where his glasses look like their lenses are the thick nerdy ones.
The body sculpt is done with great detail too.. with over 13 points of articulation, and with each articulation being able to move 360 degrees, there is no position Egon can not recreate. Well apart from him moving his fingers and pulling him self up from the crack of the road they fell in J . the paint job is not a flat color of the suit but you have dirt marks and other imperfections that make this nothing but perfect.
The proton pack is very detailed, the only thing I would complain about is maybe it would be cool to have some LEDs in there to give it that extra Ummph, but hey great custom project for anyone and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are known examples of that out in the collectors world. The gun itself is made of a softer plastic, which would’ve been better in a harder plastic as it bends very easily.
Slimer. Who doesn’t love this pizza eating ghost, and this figure is the most accurate I’ve seen ever from any ghostbuster adaptation of the Ghost. With the translucent green body, it gives it the look like just in the movie. With the mouth being wide open and the arms being able to move from the shoulder, elbow and wrist and with 360 degree rotation, it makes this figure just plain simple awesome. it also comes with a translucent clear stand to create the effect of Slimer floating.
Over all the figure is no less than 8 out of 10. And this was the start of many of the ghostbusters figures to come out of Mattel and each with their own special extras. They also came in 12 inch sizes for a ghostbuster fan these items are a must!.
If you haven’t got them now, my advise would be very simple.. GET THEM! They are getting harder to find and with the movie on the horizon prices will only go up.
All I d hope for is that when the third movie comes out they continue to allow Mattel to make the figures and not a cheaper 3.75 inch version. Ghostbusters is for the 80s generation… and remember DON’T CROSS THE STREAMS.. IT WOULD BE BAD!