Some of us here at SWN have been playing the Feed The Beast Direwolf20 mod pack for Minecraft and it is amazing to say the least.  In the near future we will be putting out our own YouTube videos showcasing our FTB Server and all the crazy contraptions we have come up with. But today I bring you a video from Direwolf20 spotlighting the soon to be released Xycraft update. Now I’m not going to lie, at first when we started playing with Xycraft installed it looked like just another cosmetic mod that really had no technical uses, boy was I wrong. It’s creator Soaryn has way more in store for us that I could have ever imagined, like the freaking amazing power system I can’t wait for that. Enough talk check out the video and be sure to like and subscribe to Direwolf20’s channel he is one of my favorite YouTubers.

As you can see I’m already gathering my resources.




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What to write, what to write. Well I have always been behind the scenes here at doing various things but never really felt like I was doing enough to claim to be apart of SomeWhatNerdy. Well my fellow nerds that ends now. I've had my hand in the majority of the SomeWhatNerdy YouTube page and now its time for me to step up and support the growth of the website. I've always been a nerd at heart. I love video games and all kinds of new technology so you can expect to see my posts reflect that. Hope you enjoy the site and remember "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."