So it begins, George Lucas has decided to replace the dumb looking puppet thing they called Yoda from Ep.1 with a CG version. I’m sure this is a small fraction of what will be  added and changed in the new Blu-Ray release (September 16th.) I welcome changes like this, it doesn’t hurt or change the story, what I don’t want is another “Han shot first”  thing. Lucas should keep to making the movie look better in HD and I’ll be happy. Which means I’m sure he will screw everything up. Below is the scene with Yoda, the first video has the puppet Yoda, the second the CG one that will be on the Blu-Ray.


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I’m Snarfkris and I’m the head Nerd here at SWN. I'm also one of the host on the SomewhatNerdy Radio and Nerds of the Squared Circle podcast. On top of that I am also the webmaster, editor, writer, and all around slave to the website. I’m a giant Star Wars and comic Nerd. MTFBWY