Within many games, if there are scripts and codes, there will be hacks and mods. At the top of the totem pole of bootlegged games stand many (and I do mean many) hacked Pokemon games; ranging from Pokemon Red to Pokemon White. Some of these games are actually quite interesting. Some are even programming genius and almost entirely rewritten from scratch. One hack game by the name of Pokemon Creepy Black was introduced as a meme. It told the story of a Pokemon named “Ghost” actually killing its opponents and trainers. But there was a catch: there was no physical evidence of this game existing. Not only that, but completely rewriting the game so dramatically seemed impossible.

But over the last few months, demos all over YouTube have begun popping up like crazy. Multiple teams of programmers and designers have started recreating their versions of a legend. For now, it looks like bits and pieces of a game, but hopefully soon, it’ll become another great way to ruin my childhood. In the creepiest way possible.