Yesterday, I received an email from the casting agency of the hit AMC series, Comic Book Men. They asked if I would promote that they are having a casting call for the upcoming season and I replied with an enthusiastic yes. I love this show simply because it reminds me of the good old days when the guys of Somewhatnerdy would chill at School of Comics and get our fix of what’s hot and not in the world of comics. So, of course I said yes. I watch the show as well as the others of Somewhatnerdy, and I know it would be an awesome experience to visit the stash. That is one of the reasons why I to, placed an application.
So, for your chance to be on the hit series Comic Book Men, pay attention to the blurb I received from the Casting Agency.
Calling All Fanboys & Fangirls!!!
COMIC BOOK MEN is looking for people to appear on Season 3 of the hit TV series on AMC! Are you a quirky comic book fan with a supersized personality? Is there a comic related item or retro pop-culture collectible you’ve been longing to buy or sell? Then all your four color dreams can come true at Executive Producer Kevin Smith’s Comic Shop- Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash!
Here’s how you get started… Go to comicbookmencasting.com/ and apply ASAP!
*Must be 18 years or older to apply*
*Travel to Redbank, NJ and batteries not included*