After a “Bigfoot Hunter” claims to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch, a disgraced investigative journalist stakes his comeback, and the lives of his documentary film crew, on proving the find to be a hoax.

I must admit that I’m a HUGE fan of the Bigfoot phenomena, the legend is huge and has been around for so many years it’s hard to not get at-least a little intrigued by it. The film is shot on location in the region of the world’s largest concentration of Bigfoot sightings (Willow Creek, California, USA) and is also based on real accounts of the locals there, a great idea to keep the film grounded and not becoming a joke.

 If you’re a fan of shows such as “Destination Truth” & “Monster Quest” then this film looks like something that will be right up your alley. As a fan of both the Bigfoot legend and found footage films I’m very excited for this release. There have been many Horror films based on this same premise, a team on the hunt for the legend, unfortunately none have ever really been that good but this film seems to have finally got it and will strike fear back in-to the minds of the believers that the monster exists. Remember if the legend is true then Bigfoot isn’t a cuddly toy or a cartoon character, he’s a missing link that can be very dangerous, even deadly.

To see the trailer for yourself just click on the video below:


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!