Joey suspects his girlfriend of two years, Jennifer, is cheating on him. He is so convinced that he enlists the help of his cousin Steven to create a video diary of his attempt to catch her in the act as well as to document the heartbreak she is putting him through. He intends to give this tape to her after catching her in an attempt to make her feel guilty.

Technology moves so fast these days, when I was younger I’d never have thought of a phone with a camera attached to it let alone being able to make a full film with it. Well that’s exactly what’s happened.

 “To Jennifer” has been entirely shot on the iPhone 5 and you’ll be able to download the film directly to your mobile. The app will include not only the film but also some special features, much like a DVD would. A price hasn’t been set but writer/director James Cullen Bressack promises to keep the cost low. A DVD release is also in the works for the film in the future. I must admit that I don’t have high hopes for the film but I’ll reserve my judgement for when I get to see the full length film, not on my phone though, I’ll be waiting for a DVD release.

To see the trailer for yourself just click on the video below:


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!