A pleasant surprise awaited me when I booted up Steam this morning. Not only is it an always awesome free 2 play weekend but TWO games I’ve really wanted to check out are included. The practically just released MMO ‘Defiance’ (that coincides with the SyFy channel TV series) and ‘Chivalry: Medieval Warfare’ are what we get to dig into for the price of zero, until 1pm Sunday that is.
Of course both of these titles are on sale too with Defiance being reduced 30% on the regular , deluxe edition, and the 4-pack of the game. Chivalry has been dropped 66% making a single copy only $8.49 and the 4-pack $25.49.
Chivalry in particular I have been meaning to pick up but hadn’t gotten around to yet and Defiance is fairly new so of course that’s a nice plus. Check out the trailers for both of these games below.
[youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tkGml5V5Ys?rel=0&w=660&h=371%5D
[youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIieSwo6jDQ?rel=0&w=660&h=371%5D