This review deals with the Green Lantern Rise of the Third Army story arc.  I will be discussing Green Lantern #14 and Green Lantern Corps #14 in this review. For those of you who do not read the lantern titles, here is what you need to know.  The Guardians are no longer impressed with the lantern corps and wants them annihilated.  In order to do this, they created the third army to take over the universe.  When they attack, they absorb the person they are fighting making additional members for their army.

In Green Lantern #14, we find new lantern Baz confronted by the Justice League.  Fearing their friend Hal had died, they wanted to ask the new Green Lantern some questions.  When Batman tried to remove the ring, the essence of Sinestro came out and demanded they leave the ring alone.  Panicked by what just happened; Baz decides to flee the scene. He manages to escape the league for now. The issue then fades to a town not far away, where the Third Army is already growing in numbers.

In Green Lantern Corps #14, Guy just witnessed one of his lanterns become one with the Third Army.  He tries to lead the others to victory, but before you know it he is alone, surrounded by his former friends who are now part of the Third Army.  He then thinks of his family and uses his ring to bring them to safety.  As a result of his leadership causing the “deaths” of his fellow lanterns, the Guardians hold a trial to punish Gardner and he is asked to leave the Corps.  They used Guy and he doesn’t realize it yet, but when he does, I have a feeling their will be hell to pay.

The Third Army story arc has been amazing!  I cannot wait to see how this turns out.  I wonder, will Sinestro and Hal ever escape from inside Baz’s ring? (See past issues for back story) Both issues get a perfect 10 out of 10 rating.  So what are you Poozers waiting for?  Get your issues today!

Green Lantern #14

                      Writer: Geoff Johns                        

Penciler: Doug Mahnke

Green Lantern Corps #14

                       Writer:Peter J. Tomasi                        

Penciler: Fernando Pasarin


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