Greetings my fellow Nerds,

How have you been?  I have been working long and hard trying to find the best of the best when it comes to cosplay.  I have been all around the world (via the internet, LoL) searching for the best and by God I believe I deliver every single week.  This week is no exception.  I first saw this wonderful cosplayer in a random post on tumblr in her Lara Croft gear and I just knew I needed to interview her for our wonderful readers at Somewhatnerdy.  Without further delay, here is my interview with Nuna Cosplay.

1. Who are you and where are you from?

My surname is Nuna, I’m 20 years old, student in real life and I was born from a Portuguese mother and a French father. I have lived near to Paris (30 minutes away by car) since always.

2. How did you discover cosplay?

I don’t remember exactly how I discovered cosplay but according to my memory, I saw it for the first time 6 years ago (I was 14) in “Manga Expo” exhibition organized at La Défense in Paris (this exhibition don’t exist anymore). Then I meet a new friend at “Chibi Japan Expo” in Paris too, with  who we decided to cosplay for the following “Japan Expo” in Paris (2008).  So, I bought my first cosplay on Ebay, it was Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children. I wore this cosplay during one year in different exhibitions before starting to make my first cosplay by myself : Sheva Alomar (tribal version) from  Resident Evil 5 video game.

3. I really love your Lara Croft cosplay.  What made you choose her?

About my Lara Croft cosplay, I never really finished a Tomb Raider opus but I liked to see my father playing at this game and me to play the training mode in Lara’s house with her butler who followed Lara everywhere and scared me ! I choose this cosplay because I had to make a simple cosplay for a exhibition but with a short time. I already had in my clothes the corresponding shorts and one of my facebook friend and cosplayer suggested me to make this Lara version Angel of Darkness viewing one picture with Sheva Alomar cosplay because of the attitude and of course my long hair. So, I just had to make the top and the holster.

4. What other characters have you cosplayed?

In the chronological order:

Tifa locheart – Final Fantasy 7

Advent children Simca – air gear

Martial art femal – Final Fantasy

Before Crisis Sheva Alomar (tribal version) – Resident Evil 5

Hitomi (long sleeve) – Cat’s eyes

Kanu unchou (figurine version) -Ikki Tousen

Lara Croft – Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness

Kanu Unchou (Christmas version) – Ikki Tousen Hitomi (summer version) – Cat’s eyes

Seraphina (Poseïdon) – Saint Seiya

Lost Canvas Chun Li (white version) – Street fighter (bought Dadou Cosplay)

Maï shiranui – King of fighters

Betilla – Rayman Origins

Chel – Road to El Dorado

Betilla (Christmas version) – Rayman Origins

5. What is your creation process for your cosplays?

Mainly, my goal when a start a cosplay project is to wear it during an exhibition and share it with my cosplayer and photographer friends. After that, photographers take and send me pictures which I share in my facebook page. Of course, before the exhibition, I created a WIP (Work In Progress) album with some making of pictures.

6. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?

Besides my cosplay I model with friend photographers meet in cosplay exhibitions. We made fashion, casual, swimsuit, evening dress, lingerie photos. I love to make photo and I appreciate my friend photographer to propose me some photo-shoot sessions. All of this pictures are posted on my facebook and deviantART pages.

 7. What are your plans for the future?

In the global case, my plan for the future is to gamble millions at the lottery ha-ha, in the cosplay and modeling case is to continue to make new cosplays from in first choose manga and video games I like but also cosplay to make groups with my cosplayer friends. I really enjoy to make photo with my friend. In the near future I have to finish Fiora Cavazza cosplay from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood for January and then I will start Aquarius Gold Saint Camus (Golden angel version).

8. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?

Everyone can see my works in my facebook page : And my DeviantART :

9. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?

It is very difficult to chose a favorite cosplay because when I decided to make a cosplay it is because I like the costume or the character. But if I had to pick one it will be Betilla (Rayman Origins). I really enjoy to cosplay her because opposite to the other cosplay from battle or adventure game which they have to keep a serious face and mind because of their personality, with Betilla I can realize myself  by making funny face and I find that the red wig make my face more smooth making nice faces credible that will be impossible with serious cosplay. In addition, that making me chose Betilla cosplay it is I really enjoyed Rayman in my childhood and maybe because Rayman is a game created by French developers.


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