Well, guys and gals its Black Friday so that means today is the last cosplay interview post for this week. Don’t worry, I have more interviews lined up, but we will go back to the once a week schedule. Anyway, let’s get back to today’s post. I chose to end the week with a great cosplayer I discovered on deviant art one day. She goes by the name Tenleid and she is not only very beautiful but very talented as well. Nerds of all ages, I present to you my interview with Tenleid.
1. Who are you and where are you from?
I go by Tenleid, and I’m from the great white north (specifically, Toronto!)
2. How did you discover cosplay?
A TV station that everyone around here grew up with called YTV (Toonami for Canadians) did coverage of Canadas biggest anime convention every year. I saw all the cosplayers and really wanted to join in! I was young at the time, but when I was old enough to go with a friend, I started working on my first cosplay for my first convention.
3. I really love your version of Cammy. What made you choose her?
Thank you! All through high school, a close friend of mine and I sat around playing Streetfighter on his slow, laggy laptop. We didn’t really have much else to do. Cammy was always a favorite character of mine, although I disliked her Delta Red outfit; which is why I picked the blue alternate from Alpha!
4. What was your first cosplay?
Ranmao, from Kuroshitsuji. It was a trainwreck! I didnt wear a wig, and my hair didnt look anything like hers. My costume was extremely inaccurate and poorly constructed, But I was extremely proud of it. I made it nearly 100% by hand, and had so much fun wearing it. Which is really all that matters.
5. What other genres do you cosplay?
Comic books and video games are my main genres! I cosplay a little from Anime, and honestly tend to stray away from western/TV series with ‘real’ people.
6. What genre is your favorite to cosplay?
Western Comics, for sure! I’m a *huge* DC fan and collect everything bat family related, and love cosplaying comic characters.
7. Do you do other modeling besides cosplay?
Not at all. I’ve never really had the opportunity – the only reason I really do cosplay “modeling” is to show off my own hard work and effort, so any other type doesn’t really interest me.
8. What are your plans for the future? Hmm.. Lot’s more cosplay! I’m moving to the west coast soon and conventions there are VERY different from Canadian ones, and I have lots of cosplay plans. Hopefully soon i’ll be able to go to Dragon*Con! The only solid plan I have, though, is lots more sewing.
9. Where can my readers see more examples of your work?
I post all of my favorite photos on my deviantart: www.tenleid.deviantart.com
I post all my progress on my tumblr “cosplay” tag: www.tenleid.tumblr.com/tagged/cosplay
And I post all of my photos, including the less artistic, on my cosplay.com account: www.cosplay.com/member/252102/
10. If you had to pick one cosplay, which one is your favorite?
Oh, that’s reaaaaally hard! It’s honestly a tie between Yoko Littner and Black Bat. They’re both characters I absolutely LOVE, and have cosplayed at a lot of events. If I absolutely HAD to pick, i’d say Blackbat, simply because it’s a little more comfortable than Yoko.