Yesterday I received an email from Amazon stating that I had 500 coins to spend on games or apps for my Kindle Fire HD and I thought to myself, I am always down for getting a new game. With that in mind, I went to the games store and looked at new releases. Well lo and behold I saw an Iron Man 3 icon and I thought to myself, ’nuff said and I “bought” it and downloaded it right away. The best part of the whole deal is that the game is absolutely free! Another “selling” point for you gamer’s out there is that the game is made by Gameloft, which is a pretty decent company when it comes to tablet games.
There are many cool Pros to the game. One thing that I really love is that you can upgrade or change your armor. You don’t have the endless supply of suits like Tony does in the film but you can develop up to 18 suits. Another Pro is the easy gameplay. You move the kindle to fly around and you touch the targets to shoot. Very simple, that doesn’t mean I didn’t crash every once in a while, LoL.
But my favorite Pro to this game are the villains. The drones are robotic agents of A.I.M. You also battle for main bosses from the comics. Who are they? Well, let’s see, there is Ezekiel Stane, the Living Laser, the Crimson Dynamo, and of course the mighty M.O.D.O.K. What more could you ask for? I have not played this game long enough to see all the bosses but the ones I have seen have looked good and kicked ass while doing so.
There is one Con in my opinion. The voices, especially of Tony Stark. When you are playing the game you don’t get the feeling you are Tony Stark from the films. It is a very minor con, not enough to discourage anyone from buying it, especially since its free. So my rating is a strong 9 out of a possible 10. You will enjoy this game even if you are not a die hard Iron Man fan. So, if you own a Kindle Fire HD, I strongly suggest you get your copy of this game today.