This review will not be as detailed as past reviews because I feel that you need to get this title to read for yourselves. This review covers the title, Masters of the Universe #1. The story is called, “The Origin of Skeletor”. This issue is a must have for any He-man fan. You get a true sense of who Skeletor really is and why he craves power.
The story begins with Keldor realizing that he must take back what is rightfully his. He feels since he is the oldest song of Miro he should be king and not his brother Randor. He then flashes back to when he and Randor were children and one of Hordal’s men came for Randor, he stopped the kidnapping but Randor stopped him before he could kill the thief. He then continues to remember when his father died and Randor became king he was furious. He was the older son, but because he had Gar blood in his veins, he would not be king.
So, after this betrayal, young Keldor decided to make a deal with Lord Hordak. Keldor faced several trials when he accepted Hordak’s offer. One can say they drove him insane. This new insanity caused him to bring pain to his brother and with that pain came the death of Keldor and the birth of Skeletor.
You should definitely check this title out. I always wondered how Skeletor got his “look” and in this issue it is made clear. I found the story very interesting. The writing pulls you in to the story as if you were there in Keldor’s mind. The artwork is dark and matches up with the story of a man who basically sells his soul to the devil. I give this issue a 9 out of 10 rating. I really hope there will be more stories like this in the future.
Writer: Joshua Hale Pialkov
Art and Cover: Frazer Irving
Publisher: DC Comics