
I finally got my hand’s on this week’s comics and of course the first one I had to read was Night of the Living Deadpool #1.  If you love Deadpool or anything Zombie, this is definitely the book for you.  But I must warn you, this comic does come with a Parental Advisory so keep your kiddos away until they can handle the slaughter that occurs within the pages.

I do not want to spoil so I will not be telling you a lot of the plot like past reviews.  All I can say is Deadpool goes from eating chimichangas to fighting an army of the undead.  These ain’t your mamma’s zombies either.  How you ask?  They have the capability to speak., which actually kind of freaks Wade out for a little bit. (Did I say too much?  I don’t think so.)  Deadpool is just in basic survival mode when he comes across other survivors which is where this journey ends…for now.

Cullen Bunn’s writing and the artwork of Ramon Rosanas is a perfect match for this story.  I especially love the coloring decisions made for this comic.  It really gives you the “Night of  the Living Dead” feel.  I definitely give this issue an 11 out of 10 rating.  This comic blew my mind on how well the story went as well as how amazing the artwork was.  I am proud to recommend this to any zombie, Deadpool, or comic fan across the globe.  So, get your copy today while you still can and get your READ on!



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