For the past 13 years, Dr. Herbert West  has been serving his prison sentence for his role in the death of a teenage girl at the hands of one of his zombies.

 14 years, we had to wait 14 long years for this film.  Unfortunately the wait wasn’t really worth it.

Don’t get me wrong, the film has some great aspects to it but the charisma seems to be lost here. Even Jeffrey Combs seems to be uninterested in the role, but maybe that’s me misreading the film, I mean he hadn’t played the character for nearly 15 years.

Like I said there are good aspects to the film for those of you who enjoyed over-the-top, gory and bloody parts of the first two then you’ll love this because those aspects are ramped up in this sequel. It’s a very humorous splatter flick.

Director Brian Yuzna did a very sloppy job with this film which is highly disappointing considering the great job he did on “Bride Of Re-Animator”, but with over 3 writers credited to the film it brings to mind the old saying, too many cooks…. You know what I mean.

It’s hard to believe this film had the biggest budget of the franchise, you can see that it was put to good use with the location and the effects but you have to wonder if there was only so much more gore to cover up a horrendous storyline that was filled with huge plot holes.

Like I said, “Beyond Re-Animator” is a humorous splatter flick, just don’t expect it too be as good as it’s predecessors.


Miscellaneous facts about the film:

Jason Barry’s character is named Howard Phillips. The movie is based on a story by H.P. Lovecraft, whose full name is Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Also, the last name of Elsa Pataky’s character is Olney, which is the last name of the main character (Thomas Olney) in Lovecraft’s story “The Strange High House in the Mist.”


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!