Doctors Herbert West and Dan Cain discover the secret to creating human life and proceed to create a perfect woman from dead tissue.

How do you do a sequel to a film that’s so well received? Well if you need any pointers you can’t do much worse than checking out  “Bride Of Re-Animator”.

Dr. West and his reluctant sidekick Dr. Cain are back and the ‘Frankenstein’ theme continues (as you can tell by the title). It’s been 8 months after the “Miskatonic Massacre” and we see the aftermath of the events, Dr. Cain is still mourning after his beloved Megan and Dr. West knows this and manages to con him into once again helping him out with an experiment.

“Re-Animator” Director Stuart Gordon was replaced by Brian Yuzna, who’s only other directorial before was “Society” but he did serve as producer on “Re-Animator” so he had a-lot of knowledge about the film and what was going on. I was quite surprised that Gordon was replaced but Yuzna did a fantastic job and showed us why he had been chosen.

One great aspect of the film is the effects, a big kudos to the make-up and effects team. The ‘bride’ looks absolutely fantastic and you can see the influence it had on later films, especially “Frankenhooker”. The gore factor has been ramped up for this film and there are some genuinely grotesque moments (in a good way).

The cast all put in great performances but once again Jeffrey Combs steals the show with his amazing performance as Dr. West. But I must give big credit to Kathleen Kinmont who played the ‘bride’, the amount of time she must’ve spent getting ready for the part and it looked so uncomfortable to play but she pulled it off so well and with grace.

“Bride Of Re-Animator” is a fantastic sequel, which is a rarity in itself. It does well to continue the story and also set us up for the next instalment.


Miscellaneous facts about the film:

At one point Dr. West suggests that the noises coming from his laboratory wall are just “probably rats in the wall”. This is a reference to one of H.P. Lovecraft’s better known stories “Rats In The Wall”.


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!