The Candyman is back, trying to convince his descendent, an artist, to join him.
Well here we are at the third and final installment of the franchise.
It’s amazing how fast a series can fall, in the 7 years since the first film the third installment is a made for TV movie. When you think of how such franchises kept on going and going, for example the “Friday The 13th” and “A Nightmare On Elm Street” films, then we get this, it shows you how fast it declined.
I was actually excited to watch this film as I thought it was going to push the franchise forward and see Candyman take on new victims and continue the story, and yes it did do that but the results were awful. Don’t get me wrong there are a few great scenes, but as a whole the film just bombed. Even Tony Todd himself has stated that doesn’t like it.
Talking of Tony Todd, he does put in another great performance as the character but you sense he’s frustrated and you can’t blame him. The leading lady this time is Donna D’Errico, another blonde victim, lets just say that she wasn’t hired for acting talent. With a character like Candyman you need someone who the character can bounce off and suck you into the story, with Donna you just get a brick wall.
We also have another director, Turi Meyer. I can’t slate him as he actually did an okay job with what he had, if he had been given a bigger budget or maybe even a better cast it could’ve been so much better.
“Candyman 3 – Day Of The Dead” is the worst of the franchise and it’s such a shame as the series had so much potential.
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