After being cryogenically frozen and waking up on a space station in the near future, the Critters aim to have the unwitting crew for lunch.

Not long after the events in “Critters 3? and this time were taken away from planet Earth and into space. “Critters 3 &4” were filmed back to back so it makes for good continuity.

Now usually when we hear about a franchise taking their story in-to space it’s usually a bad sign (“Jason X” anyone?!), but With the “Critters” franchise it makes perfect sense to finally take us into their territory. Honestly I was glad to see us be taken in-to the ‘Crite’s’ territory as I always had a curiosity of their activities in space.

Not only are we transported in-to space, we’re also taken in-to the future as our hero Charlie McFadden get’s unfrozen and finds out his so called friends have duped him. Charlie’s tenacity to kill the Crite’s doesn’t never dampens and by now you come to the point where you really get behind him and hope he succeeds.

The film has some great casting, obviously we have Don Keith Opper and Terrence Mann return and put in fantastic performances. Anders Hove who is an under-estimated actor, Angela Bassett who puts in a great performance and sadly got lost in the Hollywood muddle over the years, also “Twin Peaks” star Eric DaRe, B-Movie star Martine Beswick and the amazing Brad Dourif who I’ve yet to see put in a bad performance yet!

Again we can’t leave out our true stars, again we get what we expect from the ‘Critters’. They never truly evolve but in “Critters 4? you get the sense that they’re more deadly as you’re on their turf, a shift in power so to speak.

“Critters 4” is a fun movie, you should watch it either for the fact of you’ve watched the first three already or just for the pure giggles that we get from this franchise.


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!