Well that’s the end of the “Critters” franchise review.
I was really, really happy to re-visit this franchise as I often feel it get’s very much overlooked these days.
Now for those of you who maybe too young to know, the “Critters” franchise was actually a huge hit and became a bit part of pop-culture of the time. New Line Cinema’s venture was even gaining more popularity than “Gremlins” at one point but alas these deranged fur-balls seem to have been all but forgotten to many. Talking of “Critters” and “Gremlins”, there’s the age old debate about who do you prefer, if they where to fight who’d win etc. For me It’s the “Critters” they’re more my style, there’s no cute ‘Gizmo’ character when it comes to the ‘Crites’, and not only are they intelligent but they’re also humorous and blood hungry, so what’s not to like?! Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy the “Gremlins” films, it’s just that if I had a choice I know who I’d pick.
The ‘Critters’ were a great creation and for a monster they had a-lot of depth and characteristics, they’re ravenous creatures that like to eat and breed but they’re also highly intelligent and are great at organization with planned attacks and such. It’s hard to pinpoint what animal they’re similar to, I’ve heard them all from porcupines, rats, badgers, opossums, hedgehogs, rabid cats, Tasmanian Devils and a slew of other similar creatures.
One character I can’t leave out is our hero, ‘Charlie McFadden’, Don Keith Opper was perfect casting for the role, if you look at the stereotypical heroes of that time he was the complete opposite and whilst you may see that in a-lot of films today it was rarely heard of back then. I’ve often wondered what happened to Don as he just seemed to disappear into obscurity, I would’ve thought he’d have a great career after these films.
The future of the franchise is still talked about by fans of the series, many want another installment and there was rumours of one for a while, that talk has now turned to a 3D remake which I seriously don’t want to happen and if they were to do a “Critters 5” then you have to have Don Keith Opper, he’s just as vital as the ‘Critters’ themselves. All I’ll say is – “Be careful what you wish for”.
“Critters” is a fun filled franchise that I urge you to give another watch, it might be better than you remember it to be.