Well folks there we have it, all the films of the “Cube” trilogy. It’s amazing that this franchise gets overlooked, the stories are so strong and suspenseful in each film that it makes for great viewing.

In my opinion the first film is easily the best of the bunch, everybody has their own favourite but the first is mine. It was such a refreshing release when it first came out and many films have borrowed elements from it, most obvious being the “SAW” franchise.

Many people have analysed these films thoroughly, with being left with so much mystery it’s no surprise. Many Horror fans like to slice these films apart and piece them back together with their own thoughts and opinions, my favourite one being that the first “Cube” film is a metaphor for life, let me explain:

1) As the rest of us when we were born, the characters wake up in a world they don’t know but have to bear with.

2) They wonder why they were put here – don’t we all ask ourselves what’s the meaning of life?

3) The question of intelligent design is oftenly brought up: Did aliens build the cube? Was it a god? A higher being?

4)  The topic of atheism: “It’s a headless blunder operating under the illusion of a master-plan.”

5) The trapped rooms represent the dangers of life. If you really want to have a safe one, you can’t go anywhere or do anything.

One question that gets asked a-lot is will there be a “Cube 4”? I’m a person who has a ‘never say never’ attitude but at this moment I think it’ll be highly un-likely we’ll see a fourth instalment, actually I find it more likely that the franchise would get remade.

One thing I really love about these films is the mystery of it all, I know, I know I’ve mentioned it a-lot throughout these reviews but it’s a rarity you see in films. Over the course of the 3 films we end up with more questions than answers and I love that, it’s great that they toy with your mind whilst still managing to deliver great death scenes and awesome character developments.

I like to play a game in my head sometimes (don’t judge!) of what famous people or characters I’d like to see in a cube, who would your favourites be?


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!