While doing the inventory for a lingerie outlet in a high rise office building, five attractive women are terrorised by a series of bizarre killings.

It’s not a sequel, it’s not exactly Horror, so what is it?


I honestly didn’t know what to think when I watched this film, I was expecting more of the same themes and such from the previous two releases but instead I got something completely different. With this third release we got more of an action with Horror than the usual b-movie Horror.

Talking of b-movie, this is exactly that, it’s unapologetic in the fact it features a ton of nudity, in fact it embraces it and uses it to lure more viewers. I mean just look at the films one sheet and tell me that isn’t a strategic marketing ploy.


This isn’t to say the film isn’t any good, it is, it’s hilarious and so highly entertaining, more entertaining than it has any right to be. Director Jim Wynorski goes all out and is known for not bothering what people think of his work, like I said earlier it’s an unapologetic film.

The acting is what you’d expect, especially since most of the cast is from “Sorority House Massacre 2” but in this feature the seem to be having so much more fun and as a view this becomes infectious and you find your face hurts from grinning too much.


“Sorority House Massacre 3 – Hard To Die” is a film not to be taken seriously, it’s sets out to be fun and entertaining an it does exactly that.


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!