A teenage outcast discovers he is a werewolf, and must battle a pack of the brutal creatures when they threaten him and his new girlfriend.

Well here we are with the last film in the franchise… So far.

The previous film, “Howling – New Moon Rising”, was bad that it basically killed off the franchise. This entry came sixteen years after the release of that awful film, a film that still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. With this release though you an see that they try and shake the shackles off so to speak and  start a fresh.

This time we see the story set in a high school, something we’ve seen a lot I know but believe it or not it’s a first for this franchise. I kept thinking of the “Teen Wolf” film, but there were no laughs here, it actually tries to be a more serious film though unfortunately it is heavily filled with a lot of cliches.

The main mantra throughout this film for me was, “They tried”. I can see that there was potential here, the acting is pretty good and they set quite a nice tone but there was just too many plot holes for my liking and the story seems to get really muddled up. If they could’ve tried to keep it simpler it could’ve worked better.

I’d like to say that I think I’m the wrong target audience for this release, it seems like they were going more for a more teenage audience and I’m way past that so for me it was a bit of a tedious watch but I can see a younger audience getting a kick out of this feature. That’s not a bad thing though, we all start somewhere.

“The Howling – Reborn” successfully works as a stand alone film and kudos to the team for wht they did, like I said I think I’m just the wrong audience for it.


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I have an obsession with all things Horror and it's an honour to share my passion with you all!