Now I know over the few years I have done this site I have gave Michael Bay a lot of shit and that’s because he makes just godawful movies but Transformers: Age of Extinction looks pretty damn good. I mean even if the movie is as unwatchable as the last two Transformer movies at least we MOTHER F*&KING GRIMLOCK!!! Plus with them dropping LaBeouf and them adding Mark Wahlberg this takes the movie in a giant step in the right direction. So if you missed the Super Bowl trailer yesterday for Transformers: Age of Extinction check it out below.


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I’m Snarfkris and I’m the head Nerd here at SWN. I'm also one of the host on the SomewhatNerdy Radio and Nerds of the Squared Circle podcast. On top of that I am also the webmaster, editor, writer, and all around slave to the website. I’m a giant Star Wars and comic Nerd. MTFBWY